The real world of photography

More and more we see a clear division between photographers. With the entry of technology between AI, NFT and crypto coins the most futurists are embracing without doubt and without looking back new ways to make and sharing their work. But are we sure that this is the way?

The smoker. Alex Coghe, 2022.

What I see is a clear contrast between two types of artists. And clearly, those who have always tended to cheat with their photography see the use of new technologies as a great opportunity. Poo does it matter to them if this is the drift towards which those who have plans in favor of transhumanism want to lead us.

Of course I agree with this statement. Because I declare myself still connected with real things. You can say what you want but a file remains a file. A print is something you can hang on the wall in your home.

We are seeing how there are photographers supporting and making the real and others going through the new era. But beware: the new era can be only an illusion. Let’s start by the fact that IA is an illusion. And by including some words to a computer is not something you need to have talent. The 0 talent of course looks to IA as an opportunity. And most of the time they are moved only by a thing: MONEY. They would make anything for…MONEY. In fact they already sold their souls of human beings for MONEY.

The new generations have probably never experienced the great emotion of having a photo printed, talking to the printer, giving directions, listening through his experience, coming to a meeting point that generates the magic of a photograph printed in large dimensions.

Leica and Pentax, but also Nikon, are still supporting real photography. They still believe to the human factor.

That’s me on twitter, recently. Exact: there is something that technology can’t reach. I am not the one to say it. It is NATURE, at least on this planet and this dimension. You can't beat the physics. I know there are monsters out there that want you to own nothing and be happy. They want you to rent everything and no longer own anything. They want you only trapped in the virtual world, in the metaverse. It depends on you. There are already people in lockdown since 3 years. They stopped to live.

We are not. And we will be the resistance.

We love and make photography as always. We make the real. We live the real. The real world of photography.


Merry Christmas!


2023: we change the game