The reason why 24mm is too much and you have to invent another photograph

24mm can be good for certain situations but I feel, in general, that is too much for Street Photography.

Please note: I am referring to the 15mm of the kit lens 15-45mm that i used recently on the streets of Mexico city’s downtown.

In this photo, the management of the wide angle works.

Because I managed to create a composition that highlights the three-dimensionality inside the frame. But not everything can be conceived on the street using a focal lenght that is already extreme for me.

DWTN CDMX 2. Alex Coghe 2022

To make some photos like the one above I have to get quite close.

You know that my favorite lens is 35mm. When I work with a very wide angle lens, the approach inevitably changes. By the way, with a kit lens I have the disadvantage of a proboscis lens that is not good at all when you point it in the face of people. Guys, for street photography best option is a small compact lens…the pancake is the best solution in my opinion!

DWNT CDMX 3. Alex Coghe 2022

And then in general terms I do not think that due to the distortion it is nice to photograph people with a wide angle on the street at close distance. Better, much better to offer this open vision of the urban area.

DWNT CDMX 4. Alex Coghe 2022

In shots like these, it comes to the point of counting with such a wide angle lens. Here the vision from the Templo Mayor allowed me to highlight the breadth of the place and also appreciate the government buildings in the background.

I released a new video about the experience with the kit lens used at its wides focal lenght:

Write me your comments. What do you think of photographing with wide angle lenses when it comes to Street Photography? And what is your experience with kit lenses? Can be considered for something or is a BIG NO in your opinion? I am looking forward to read your questions and ideas. And don’t forget to follow THE STREET PHOTOGRAPHY CHANNEL on YouTube.


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