The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 24

Photos and thoughts


On active notes of a classical composer and I'm not talking about music, or maybe yes. Keeping the realized image pure, I am interested in this. Don't even lie to myself so as not to lie to others. Besides, my cameras are modest, cheap and unpretentious. And the product is organic and sincere. The others have at least $2,000 cameras and they filter, Photoshop, everything to get away from the "efforts" of the camera and the lens. They blather about raw, but here if we have to be honest the only real raw is mine. So here I am to shine with the blurred photo to begin with and then all my who cares in front of the rest, especially in front of the nobility that I have always opposed. The street stinks, you don't even know how much, if you're never there for real.

The re-encounter with a lady, an activist on the front line against the abuses of the elite, produces 2 shots. Then there is a lot of urban poetry, the one for which I am the spokesperson, the one that doesn't want to be nice or entertaining, but rather goes beyond even when I deal with the ephemeral. Mine is a radical, hard and uncompromising front, therefore proud. My Street Photography, ladies and gentlemen:


M43 PROJEKT: The best camera I've ever had


M43 projekt on kickstarter