The Street Photography badge is stupid

Hi, guys. This time I need to talk about a fact.

Please read here:

I read only today this article by Michael Ernest Sweet. I am sorry but I am so sick to see how if you do also other things like portraits or journalism, you are not anymore a street photographer.

And it is funny: because I continue to be the only one with a tattoo saying STREET PHOTOGRAPHER and photographing everyday on the street.

That is exactly what I mean for bandwagon and circus of street photography. Some people are so simple while the individual is complex and I am, in partcular, a complex man. Yes, I was used to do journalism, I still make documentary photography and I am into fashion photography and portraits. I can rememeber when in 2014 I was busy with the erotic photography work another guy affirmed that I was not anymore a street photographer. And I did have fun of him. Just like now with Sweet piece.

I don’t have anything against him, but I am sorry I can0t avoid to reply, even to an old post, bbecause I feel i have been used to to support a thesis that perhaps has a grain of truth but certainly I cannot be associated with this.

I always stated that for me street photography is an attitude, a state of mind and a way to live. And thanks to street photography I can count with a gym and a school to become a better photographer. Indeed I applied a lot of the lessons of street photography and I integrate them inside my artistic vision as a commercial photographer, making books for models. But street photography alone doesn't pay my bills. I ama street photographer, but I am not just a street photographer. I am much more than that. I integrated my skills with videography, to make an example. I think there is nothing bad with that, and this fact doesn’t change the fact: I AM STILL A STREET PHOTOGRAPHER.


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