This street photo deserves further study

On Saturday I made this shot:

Let it snow. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

I thought I have to share some information to outline a background to my readers.

In this period Mexico City is experiencing a very hot climate, with high humidity. Since the early hours of the morning this means that we go around in t-shirts. Saturday in my neighborhood there is the market in its most extensive version. The workers begin to set up the pews at dawn, when it is still a little fresh. But in any case, my surprise was a lot to see a Christmas scene: the man is wearing a woolen hat and sweater. but to contribute even more to an idea of snow is that white sheet spread over the rails. An absurd scene that only a side view can capture. That vision which is typical of us street photographers, used to playing with reality.

In the early hours of the morning I go out to get the bus that takes me downtown. I have the Canon EOS M200 secured to my wrist. You never know when you'll find a scene that's photography. I cross the railway and I see this scene, he's from behind but I already know it's going to work. Aperture priority. ISO 1600. f8. Compensation always + 0.3 because I push the colors of my camera this way. I raise my camera. One shot. Just one shot. It's an imperfectly beautiful picture, beautiful above all because it is different from everything we see around, therefore personal and unique. I achieved to show a moment of activity typical of the barrio where I live, but with a hint of the absurd, the surreal that makes it a street photo for me.

It happens, sometimes, that the first shot of the day is good.


A portrait, the hip hop culture, the street


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 12