Thoughts of an almost fifty-year-old photographer

I will be 50 on March 30th

This photograph also ages. Dated October 2011. A photograph that receives much appreciation even today.

It represents, for me, the essence of street photography. Lucky and good at it. There are photographers who can't take a photo like that in a whole career, but I kept going.

Just posting it on substack was enough to make it go viral and I find it funny and absurd that such an old photo is still so successful.

I am an underdog of street photography. You know, how it works this. But I am proud of that: because I am a hunter and i am not someone waiting in a place to make a photograph. And I am not a photographer who sits on his laurels, who lives on four photos. I continue to work and always in search of other photographs. Always trying to propose different work, putting myself in discussion constantly. Only this way I can grow up and being a better author.

Business is good. I sell my photos, my books, I have great success with my workshops and as you can see important international brands hire me as a photographer. I am a published photographer and that means a lot.

I will be busy soon because I was asked to make 4 video masterclasses from a client. Anything is going pretty well, and finally people started to recognize that respect to what I do my work is so underrated. As I said, is fine. I am not photographer to receive attention and for me is more important to have real clients because photography is my job. It is not a hobby. Or something I will forget in few years.

I am almost 50 years old and that means that I am getting old. Or I am already old. That results in a greater experience in life and so as photographer. I take things differently now.

I can see how al this experience is an important component of what i am offering right now as photographer. I can see how many people understand this and express their preference for my work. Of course I can’t be appreciated by anyone, but I am happy with those showing their appreciation of what I am doing.

I am really enjoying this new phase of my career. The work on assignment, that important work on assignment realized last year is an important comfirmation and it given me serenity and the awareness of being a good photographer. A photographer that art directors want for journalistic services in their periodicals. And this is a very important result because all the efforts I make are based on this.

My Street Photography is my Photography. Many art directors get this and they make reference to that often when they propose me a work. I have a responsibility with my cameras: to do a type of work that responds to certain characteristics and objectives. I am a photographer who focuses a lot on the emotional aspect of a scene.

I am almost 50 years old. And I am here, at this point. I am feeling good and I wanted to share with you.


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