To understand: photos in sequence in the popular area

To understand and to understand themselves. I give you this sequence and a few considerations.

Camera: Canon EOS M200 Lens: EF-M 22mm f2 pancake

Shots taken in rapid sequence but not in burst mode that I don't use.

The popular area located in the historic center that is the subject of this photographic observation was used for a small study of the dynamics of a shot.

In the center of the frame it proposes a statue of a saint, San Judas Tadeo, protector of the most restless souls who make mistakes. The static nature of the main subject becomes an opportunity for observation of the world that moves around. The perspective outlined by the buildings on the edges creates a sense of depth partially interrupted by the central figure that dominates but also becomes an element that allows you to contemplate the people who animate the image with their passage and their animating the place.

Here, then, that street photography becomes a contemplative and real documentation opportunity of a place, captured in a few moments, taken casually in a very short period of the day. This does not exclude making a larger project and photographing the same place at different times of the day or at different days or times of the year.

When street photography absorbs life elements that represent a place through a visual study, a documentary and conceptual way emerges that underlines a different definition of the same experience of the street photographer. The observation through multiple shots allows us to find mini stories that give greater depth to the observation of images, giving an emotional dimension different from that of a simple shot.

It is no coincidence that I used the most popular icon (apart from the virgin of Guadalupe) to represent the pueblo and morning activities of the area.


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