Today I introduce you officially MEXICO CITY STATE OF MIND

I want to introduce you to this new street photography project that will present my new work in the streets of Mexico City.

Cross. Mexico City, 2022. Alex Coghe

Street Photography for me is wandering around the city without a set goal, letting myself be guided by my steps, perhaps by the crowd that I see animating a street, a particular light that seems interesting to me and is trusting in myself and in my instincts. For me it is about capturing details and portions of existence, being able to convey in an image what I experienced when seeing a certain scene and shooting. Gestures, emotions, energy. A humanistic vision of the world that leads me to want to tell it with my camera in order to then be able to share it with the world. In this approach I believe that street photography is a great cultural opportunity, a document to reflect on society, where we are going.

Today we are living in extremely difficult times and for this reason I think they are also really interesting. I am pushing myself into areas of the city where it is not recommended to go, especially with a camera, especially because I am clearly a foreigner, despite being a resident of Mexico since 2010. I take my dose of daily risks with the conviction that Mexico City cannot be told only in areas considered safe.

Speaking instead of the aesthetic approach you will always find my instintive and raw street photography, but with an even more accentuated sense of realism and presenting the beauty of people, in a cinematic form that leaves a particular taste of each frame.

MEXICO CITY STATE OF MIND is a street photography editorial project which aims to offer a documentation of what Mexico City is today.

The new personal street photography project will be a series of printed ‘zines where any photograph included will be available also as single print.

It will be very important to observe how this project will be received. Your support is essential to keep feeding it, making it grow with new issues. Remember this: by purchasing the copies you will be supporting a street photographer who is documenting Mexico City in places where others do not go to photograph. If you want to have good contemporary and unfiltered street photography in your library, made in one of the largest cities in the world, support this project.

Stay tuned because soon I will release the issue 1.




Video: an interesting busy week