Why camera manufacturers need to rethink their lenses

This post comes from a consideration as a photographer shooting in manual focus


The image is taken from Fuji Rumors site and it shows the new Voigtlander NOKTON 35mm F1.2 for Fujifilm X mount that will be abvailable next week.

This is a lens.

I mean: this is a lens with the hyperfocal distance. Why the camera manufacturers did stop to put hyperfocal distance on their lenses? There are third parts products showing that is possible to make lenses that are made of metal, with the hyperfocal distance (we talk about manual lenses) and they are even cheaper!

I don’t care to appear unpleasant to the official cameras manufacturers. The trend of plastic lenses and without hyperfocal distance started with the DSLR. I think especially today that we have mirrorless, with many rangefinder style cameras, the advanced photographers want to work with lenses in full manual, and in that case to work better, yes…we need the hyperfocal distance marked on the lens.

Currently on Leica continues to propose lenses with the hyperfocal distance on their lenses. We need to make a revolution about this topic.

I just started.


Street Photography, Italy, 2018


A small guide to Street Photography PT. 9