Why this year I stopped with photojournalism

Prove me I am wrong

Most journalism today has been bought by the big corporations. This means that they all follow a globalist narrative that divides the world into good and bad, drawing lines even on what is science and what is not, supporting the powerful totalitarians of the countries of the world, also bought to the logic of an agenda, always the same and coincidentally it suits the neoliberal corporations that have brought the world into a deep crisis and where real human rights are trampled in favor of a false defense of even invented minorities.

Every critical thought is ditched, derided, put in a corner, discriminated against, censored, imprisoned.

Photographic and journalistic agencies all over the world are aligned with this front which makes mass manipulation a line, the only line to follow. And then science too is used for the criminal and criminogenic designs of the new world order.

In addition, agencies now pay a pittance, when and if they pay. Everything has become in favor of themes useful for the agenda and therefore climate change prevails, even in photo competitions.


Because first of anything i respect myself. I am not going to feed the narrative of Goerge Soros or Bill Gates. I don’t move myself for money. I am a person with beliefs and principles. And I'm not going to feed the monster.

This is why I focused myself on Street Photography this year. I feel I can tell the world and society without having to be part of a choir of which among other things I do not share anything. I am not part of the crowd nor do I want to be. I only pursue the truth. and the truth is what I find in front of my eyes and in front of my lens and not what they tell us.

This is not a renunciation of documenting but quite the opposite. I am with Julian Assange and with all the journalists of the truth, the ones that are not part pf the agenda and mainstream media. I am interested to document the human condition, the society and I will preserve my critical thought always.


Yesterday I made a photo as a journalist who finds me happy


Last 3 days to join the Day of the Dead Street Photography Workshop in Oaxaca