The Street Landscapist

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David Lynch, filmmaker, photographer, musician helps with this statement:

“An idea comes — and you see it, and you hear it, and you know it... We don’t do anything without an idea. So they’re beautiful gifts. And I always say, you desiring an idea is like a bait on a hook — you can pull them in. And if you catch an idea that you love, that’s a beautiful, beautiful day. And you write that idea down so you won’t forget it. And that idea that you caught might just be a fragment of the whole — whatever it is you’re working on — but now you have even more bait. Thinking about that small fragment — that little fish — will bring in more, and they’ll come in and they’ll hook on. And more and more come in, and pretty soon you might have a script — or a chair, or a painting, or an idea for a painting. More often than not, in small fragments...”

Photography to me is essentially an emotional reaction. End of the story. When I pressed the shutter button I have or I don’t have the photograph I wanted. Just like all the photographers. But then, as writer of things about photography and as an educator I have another mission to carry forward.

Through this new book I want to share my experience in the streets making photos.

My photography has changed. My goals with photography have changed. A little bit. Still preserving the essence. Still for me is about documenting the human condition.

Welcome, dear reader...

106 pages

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