
Finally, after a busy month between the expedition and 2 workshops i could dedicate time to myself and my photography

Street photography, of which I think I can have my say, is the great opportunity.

I use it as training and as a school for myself.

Furthermore, the profile I have built over the years has allowed me to make it my main proposal. I can afford not to have weddings (I wouldn't be capable of it, especially because I don't like them) because I can make a living with street and documentary photography. With that said, I recognize the fact I am doing what others don’t. I put limitations (that for me are not limitations) in order to have an easier workflow and more organic aesthetics. The reference to me is always the same: to make the photos as I was making as a kid, not developing by myself and, basically, recognizing a photographic moment, framing and pressing the shutter button. This means for me:

  • No crop

  • No heavy post processing

  • Only JPG straight out of the camera

In addition to this we must consider that my cameras are considered dated: two Olympus from 2011 and 2013 and a couple of SLRs. While with the reflex I can take advantage of the optical viewfinder, with my Olympus I am most of the time shooting from the hip. I am pretty sure that a lot of people doesn’t get how I am able to frame correctly by shooting from the hip and not cropping, but that’s it. I am pretty good with that. My work is not just in downtown. And this speeaks volumes about the fact my street documentary photography is not the one you expect.

I can see that how photo coach I don’t dictate any rule, but certainly in my teaching there is the consideration that we should be able to do good work in the camera and not weigh much after the adjustments in post production. That is the way I improved as a photographer and that is what I am teaching to my students: be good in camera.

Now we can see the work made the last days. Color and clack and white, downtown and barrios, different approaches and different locations. Enjoy…


03 09 24


Danza de la Pluma in Tilcajete