04 10 24


Everyone uses street photography for their own purposes. I have always said that it represents training and school to me. There is no other genre that allows you to take photographs whenever you want and if you want every day you can do it.

Street photography brings me clients. Whether they are photographers eager to learn the secrets of street photography, art directors who want exactly the raw and spontaneous approach of the street to enhance their brand or models who want to be portrayed by me, the important thing remains that I live myself each photographic output in a double dimension which is undoubtedly that of photographing for myself and my vision, but also that of creating pleasant images that can be interesting for a commercial purpose.

With these ideas, the main focus certainly remains creating images that have printing as their ultimate goal. I have exhibited my photographs in many art galleries around the world, I even have some images that are in a permanent collection. The new creative impulse is certainly driven by the new phase as a street photographer, using the Olympus Pen cameras which allow me different levels of creativity. And in the study of these cameras I have made mistakes and continue to make them. Rather, I'm interested in getting the most, squeezing everything possible out of the jpg rendering.

My photographic identity plays a lot on the imponderable and imperfection. That continues to be my approach. For many, little will change. I sense that something has already changed.


04 12 24


04 07 24