10 foods + 1 every Street Photographer should eat
Guys, sometimes we forget that street photography is a physical activity that requires energy and physical preparation. But having a physical preparation through training and having a healthy life corresponds to having a strong immune system will allow us not to get tired immediately and also resist an intense day spent taking pictures from morning to evening.
You’ll want to pay attention to your food as a street photographer but also as a person aiming to count with a strong immune system. We must consider that going on the street we are more exposed to contracting viruses of any kind and this probability increases if your immune system is weakened. Of course to make any sporting activity is absolutely recommended. And food is absolutely our fuel and we need to choose it wisely.
My recommendation is, if you do, say enough junk food first. Dedicating yourself to a physical activity that can be running, cycling, weight lifiting, some combat sports can give you greater motivation to make you avoid all those foods that are harmful to your body.
There are natural energy boosters but forst of all it is important to focus on how to eat them. You should onsider eating six to eight meals throughout the day andinstead of three larger meals with snack breaks in between: this will change in a positive way your metabolism. If you’re increasing your activity level (it will be your body to require it because any physical activity changes your metabolsim) so you’ll need to increase your calorie intake to maintain your energy levels. You’ll also want to keep your body hydrated, and aside from drinking water consistently throughout the day is fundamental to replenish your body’s electrolytes and energy reservoirs.
So, what is the fuel that can give you energy? I recommend you not forgetting to consider these foods in your diet:
Sweet Potato
Greek yogurt
Whole Grains
These are the foods that can provide you with a good supply in terms of calories, proteins and vitamins. There are myths about eating eggs, for example. Manuel Lezaeta Acharan, writer and physician elaborator of Level Zero diet reccomended to eat daily eggs because they give you pure proteins. Oatmeal can be added to your delicious smoothie with a banana.
About bananas: this is my favorite fruit in abolsute and never is missing at home. I suggest consuming one before heading out to your photographic walk. Yuo can also bringing one with you. Seeds is eating like a bird but this means also energy an intake of noble proteins. The sweet potato that here in Mexico we call camote (from nahuatl) are high in potassium (like bananas) and they help you to the resistance of your body. Sweet potatoes are sustainable complex carbohydrates, which release energy into the body slowly over time. And you can eat it them in delicious food, accompanying chicken breast or pork.
If you are out to make your street photographs all day and you want to taste a pasta dish, prefer whole grains because energy is released slowly into the body and you’ll feel more sustained. Take in account that refined grains, like white flour pasta release energy quickly into the body, and that can lead to feeling lethargic shortly after. and you want to make Street Photography not Sleep Photography.
Quinoa is is nature’s complete source of protein, containing all eight amino acids. And it is also more digestible than rice. Greek yogurt is pretty good and it can reptresent a protein-heavy breakfast. By adding a banana inside a natural greek yogurt you will have that right sprint to get your ass out of the house.
Do you remember Popeye the mariner? Spinach means iron and potassium, vitamins A and C, fiber, and phytonutrients that will keep your energy levels high.
Avocados are full of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that give our body energy that will last for hours. You can make a delicious sandwich with chicken or turkey breast or you can sometimes change with tuna fish.
OK, I think I said anything. Wait. Wait, wait, wait…I forgot the +1. It is something that is something that is isolated in order to have it. I am talking about the Whey protein powder. The food supplement is an exceptionally healthy way to add more protein to our diet. By being isolated we talk about a quality protein source that is absorbed and utilized efficiently by the human body. This is particularly important for athletes, bodybuilders and people in need to gain muscle mass and strength while losing fat. Of course this is a +1 food that I recommend only to those making a sport activity where you want to add non-fat mass. But isolated protein are useful also for older people who tend to consume less protein and suffer from sarcopenia, a condition characterized by loss of muscle mass, strength, and function in older adults. Signs and symptoms include weakness, tiredness, lack of energy, balance problems, and difficulty walking and standing. I know there are also older people amopng street photographers and I recommend you to integrate your diet with WHEY proteins. It is something you can make in your smoothie.
About smoothie try this:
WHEY protein according to your weight (I recommend chocolate or vainilla flavor)
a banana
1 raw egg (just if you are sure is very fresh)
Street Photography is a physical activity. This activity requires a good physical preparation that allows you to walk a lot and it becomes essential not to get tired. I really hope this post can be useful for you.