A portrait
A portrait is never just a portrait.
X - Mexico City, 2014
A portrait is one dimension and then many dimensions.
A portrait is an exchange between you and me. A dialogue with those who stand in front of my lens.
The portrait is a little bit of you and a little bit of me.
In 2014 Burberry called me to make photos. Photosas I do. They told me: spontaneous and creative as you know. I have never stopped since that experience. Fashion photography in my way. Without retouching and special effects. A direct photograph that is like this if you like it and even if you don't, because I do it my own thing, whatever I like, take it or leave it. All the time.
Natural light, no make-up artists and no clothes, the ones she brings from home. That must feel comfortable.I don't direct. Because you and I know. Because you and I enter into a trust agreement.
My portraits are based on respect. Respect for the person and for her soul. Respect for what it is. Respect for never wanting to impose my idea. Rather let the flow be natural and spontaneous. Let flow and allow the sensations of the moment to enter our intimate dialogue.
A portrait is. A portrait is not. We decide it, always. I decide it with my camera. But to decide, at the same time, is the person in front of me. With her face, with her body. With her movements, with her expressions. And I have no presumption to say to capture a piece of soul. I'm happy to capture the essence of those moments between us, the photographer and the photographed. A portion of that reality, the reality of that moment, which even in the street is removed from the context, becoming the essence of an intimate exchange, an understanding, made up more of gestures and expressions rather than words.
A portrait is not what I think, nor what she thinks or what you think. A portrait is a moment of understanding and a portion of time captured in a space. Inside one and a hundred thousand other dimensions.