A golden street photographer tip: photograph hands to obtain impact street photos

Humans have gestures that typically make with their hands. Hands transmit the emotions we feel and can reveal a lot about the person.

As an observer of the human condition I can see how often it is the hands that attract my eye and invite me to shoot.

When we talk about street photography, the emotions that arise from an image mean that a photo works or doesn't. Often it is the hands that do something and therefore claim not to be ignored by those who propose to be an observer of the human being.

Hands is part of the non-verbal communication. Several psychologists have written books on the expressive power of the hands. To photograph hands on the street can give you powerful images.It is obviously a question of having a strong observation capacity but also technical skills that allow you to capture that particular gesture in an instant. The hands tend to move quickly and completely change position.

In this post you can appreciate just a sample from my most recent work and this says a lot: I am a photographer that loves to capture images where hands have a strong impact on the image.


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