How Street Photography raises dynamics

The question arises from our action as photographers.

Joel Meyerowitz states: Photography is a response that has to do with the momentary recognition of things. Suddenly you're alive. A minute later there was nothing there. I just watched it evaporate. You look one moment and there's everything, next moment it's gone. Photography is very philosophical.

A reaction corresponds to every action, it is not just a physical principle.

As photographers we must be aware that our actions on the street can provoke reactions. And the same when we show the photos taken.

There are 2 words that I have investigated a lot related to street photography and these two words are:

  • Intent

  • Content

The intent relates to what is the photographer's will to bring out a certain idea or a certain intuition. The content is what is included inside an image which is determined by what happens in that moment in front of the photographer. While the content is inevitable and something that comes from being there, the intent is the action of the photographer who tries to present the content through his sensitivity and his own cultural background, perhaps imbued with humor and sarcasm.

Street Photography is an art. If we accpet this as a fact the street photographer mindset is focused on trying to make art all the time, and this means with every shot, with every image he is proposing. If we consider Street Photography to be a mindset the purpose is to capture ANYTHING that we see on the street even when shooting from the hip and you can think this is made casual or relying on luck and yet this is not the case, because the street photographer is lokking and evaluating what is in front of him/her.

If you ask me I don’t think there are mindless snapshots. The nature of the street photographer is focused on spontaneous moments and there are several ways (techniques) to achieve that, But all times the Street Photographer is thinkings about art, trying to create good images, with a meaning, not necessarily a story because I believe that the idea that a street photograph should tell a story is quite misunderstood.


My current equipment


A golden street photographer tip: photograph hands to obtain impact street photos