AI will doom only fake and glossy photographers

There is a lot of discussion around AI and many artists are in a standstill, on one side and on the other

Believe it or not we are even seeing street photographers proposing images created with mindjourney. And there is even already an account on instagram that shares images that would like to reproduce the aesthetics and purpose of street photography but created only through the applications of artificial intelligence.

Clearly this was bound to happen.

A photographer for a whole year passed himself off as a great portrait photographer until he confessed a few days ago that he had done everything with AI, and thopse people portrayed don’t exist. The way we live is populated by unethical, unscrupulous people who, in order to become famous, buy followers and pass themselves off as those who are not. A lot of people are, moreover, devoid of talent.

The first suspects to go extinct are all those photographers who have always proposed extremely edited images. Product photography/Food/Real estate are all in the firing line. The weddings, events, high-end portraiture and things dependent on real life and emotionwill keep to be the safe place. But the problem that I see most evidently and that many photographers who are now playing with mindjourney ignore is that everything will be leveled by the confusion between real and unreal, where even real things (and real facts) will be questioned. The deep fake will take possession of our perception. This will be the way to disempower reality and this is one of the big goals of the system, governed by monsters and people who hate humans, who invented nonsense like the overpopulation of the planet. And in which the mass believes because by now it lives in constant cognitive dissociation for which it does nothing but repeat in a monotonous, obsessive and without thinking information provided by the mainstream media that ´everything is bought by the big corporations which, coincidentally, are all managed by the elite globalist.

Don’t believe that I am underestimating what AI will be capable of doing a short time for now. This is just the dawn of a new era. But I don't think this new era will be good. In the medical sector they try to sell it to you as a great advance to cure pathologies, but in reality it will be increasingly invasive and the real goal is transhumanism. Some months ago I made a poll on twitter asking to people if they are willing to have a chip implanted in their brain if Elon Musk proposes it and the response has been unanimously positive. The mass accepted anything in the last 3 years. But the real purpose is highly inhumane and the mass ignores that, The mass has been educated to believe that these are just bizarre conspiracy theories. However, while watching the situation and being concerned, I am convinced that all this will not be successful for the elite. Too many things are against nature and when you go against nature itself, the generating force that governs the ages, you are bound to fail.

Returning to the subject of photography: AI is not photography. And those making now AI images are not photographers. Their eye is so corrupted that they can’t see at the moment how crappy are the images realized. Those photographers who have embraced this dimension think they are great artists but they are not at all. They are just fueling their ego that is something always present, but this time is quite different.

AI will become a big revolution on the industry, no doubt of this. And this will affected also a certain kind of photographers. AI thanks to a bank of images will be able to generate similar content and even imitate this and that, so within many companies there will no longer be a need to hire a few photographers to do a specific job. But be careful, artificial intelligence can never reach the complexity and interpretative difference of a human brain. And artificial intelligence can be sabotaged. Or it just doesn't work anymore.

These last three years have served to educate the masses to a life confined to the house. This has worked to define for many a new kind of existence against which they would have previously rebelled. Today, many prefer to stay at home. In not really existing they found their form of existence. clearly for this kind of people to create images with a computer is perfectly OK. But in the meantime they are missing out on the most important thing: LIFE. And this is where I see the difference, this is where I see how direct experience can never be replaced by machines.

If someone has experienced street photography as a mere execution of images to be proposed, they could get sucked into this illusion called AI. But who knows that the only way to do street photography is to go out on the street, live life and then only take pictures, then there will be no technology capable of replacing that experience.


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 7


Highlights February 2023