An inspired street photographer 6
I want to talk about this photo that I made in 2020:
Subway - Mexico city, 2020
Although I photograph in color, I am not a street photographer who shoots when I see two objects of the same color. I think many times it's a photograph that has little to say if it's just that.
What I do, however, keeps in mind how colors work in an image.
Let’s see the negative:
In this way we can highlight the fundamental details making the photo.
We can observe how the triangle on the floor is not intact, presenting parts removed from wear exactly as in the yellow "arrow" of the backpack.
The triangle is repeated in the perspective derived from the frame, as highlighted here:
In the image I drew the lines to highlight my compositional intent.
The identified juxtaposition reveals the seduction I had in observing the scene and photographing it. Composition means arranging the elements in the frame. By including determinated elements we are speaking visually. If Street photography is about capturing what the photographer was able to read in front of him, the position of the camera and the distance from the subject becomes essential for a photograph to work.
In street photography we can’t rearrange objects and buuilding up the image, and this is the challenge: we show what we want to show from something that is already there.
I think the composition works very well in this frame. I am happy how I was able to react in few seconds. I have the subject in the right position. It is a minimal composition that goes straight to the point, straight to what I wanted to tell.