Dandy Me

Throughout my life I have always had one thing: good taste. And this thing affects my photography too. Understood as an all-encompassing experience.

My original site logo, in 2011, had a fedora hat. Because I only wore that kind of hats and flat caps. I am Italian. And add to this the fact that my grandparents wore classics. My paternal grandfather, in particular, wore tailored suits. For a long time in Mexico I dressed quite shabby, especially every day, I let myself go a bit, with t-shirts that I felt didn't really reflect who I am. I consider the coat the best male garment and I love to wear it, even if here there are very few occasions to do it due to the climate.

But I've reached an age (I am 48 years old) where I really feel the need to stop wearing T-shirts. Suddenly I feel the need to really dress to my taste, going back to how I dressed, how I always dressed when I worked in the lawyers' office or how I want to feel and look good. I put away all the T-shirts to favor shirts. And when the climate will allow (right now we are experiencing a very hot climate) I will dress more blazers.

At this point you may be wondering what all this has to do with a photography blog. But also the way of dressing leads to a different experience as a photographer. A small example is the fact I now go out with a camera without a bag when taking pictures and so I'm back for all cameras to the neck strap. To carry spare batteries, I prefer to match cargo pants.

I am currently in contact with a Mexican tailor and a partnership with this site and my business is being evaluated. My site and channels reflect the essence of who I am and it's not just about the photography I do. The YouTube channel is traveling towards important destinations at a large pace. Recently I am also on Tik tok where I am proposing more about myself, in order to show more of the artist character behind the photographic work.

I am just a dandy with a camera. And this will be more clear in future. Stay tuned!


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 29


M43 PROJEKT: My self-portrait series