M43 PROJEKT: My self-portrait series

Realized in 2011, with my Olympus Pen and a lot of fantasy

Using the double exposure function of my Olympus Pen E-P1, I made a self portrait project. AUTORETRATO, this is the title, is an observation inside and outside of myself, through what was happening to me at the time, between moments of exaltation and frustration, in a particular phase of my life, difficult we can say, but also with that emotion of discovery and adventure I was on.

A project born as a game which however absorbed me and as it progressed it allowed me to explore my life, take stock of where I was and where I was heading. Inevitable first-person narration also imposed acting, I had to act within the created images. In images, sometimes the game consists in finding myself inside the image.

The Olympus Pen E-P1, thanks to the double exposure feature, was perfect to create the images that I did have in my mind. I want to clarify that everything was done in camera apart from the black and white conversion. Enjoy the vision:

If you want to support the project there are 2 ways, through a direct donation on this website or through the kickstarter campaign that will last only 30 days. These are the links to become a donator:




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