Highlights January 2023

Truly putting people at the heart of my photography is how this month can be summed up.

In recent years, the concept that street photography is not done with a reflex has been commonly accepted. This is my answer.

January 2023. Alex Coghe.

Street photography for me has a lot to do with intuition and reaction time. It is an emotional approach, which leads me to shoot quickly. This is photography to me.

January 2023. Alex Coghe.

I've actually been doing this for years. Do you remember my photograph of the oriental woman in Los Angeles? It's not about getting close, but filling the frame with the person if that was the reason for the shot yes. Not by deleting the background that I need to contextualize but rather by using it, in a vibrant way to make the portrait the street photography I intend to propose.

January 2023. Alex Coghe.

Raising the camera at the last moment is a risk. Always on the edge of failure. In this way street photography is less mediated, the experience becomes extreme.

January 2023. Alex Coghe.

How relevant is an expression within a street photography? For me a lot. There are photographs that I discard because the expression doesn't work. Obviously this is not the case.

January 2023. Alex Coghe.

Saying so much with little is the basis of my visual research. I don't think photography should be overly complex, but rather the sensations that come with it. I have included this photo in the selection to underline the point of shooting at the last moment.

January 2023. Alex Coghe.

I am fascinated by people lost in their thoughts. On the street it turns out to be a great photo opportunity and I look for it, constantly.

Januery 2923. Alex Coghe.

I already know what you are thinking with this photo. Of course it's cliché. But as a tattooed person (and with a professional tattooer as brother) I am fascinated by tattoos. I let the girl cross in front of me, turned around and took a picture on the fly.

January 2023. Alex Coghe.

Starbucks cafe sucks, but its locations have been giving me photos for over a decade.

January 2023. Alex Coghe.

And here we are at the first real keeper of the year. Probably this will be a photo that will be among the best even at the end of the year.

A simple photo in terms of construction and realization, not perfect, but which has content, something surreal that makes it different, perhaps even slightly disturbing.


A line runs through all these images, marked under the dimension of photography aimed at individuals, those human subjects who are the real reason why we do street photography. My selection is made on purpose, as I've shot a lot more this month. For example, I also often went back to photographing in black and white and I did a lot of landscape.

35mm is my vision, how my eye rests on reality. Sometimes this probes within, tries to get inside, tells people's thoughts, expands that perception of introspective moments that exist even in crowded places.

This was my month.


Video: Charles H. Traub and his influence on Street Photography


This year I photographed the Chinese New Year like this