Highlights March 2023

Selected this month:

ORO. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

What do I want from photography if not portions, fragments of reality?

And my imperfect photography combines well in the universe of street photography, instinctive, imprecise, which comes from an intuition, generated in fractions of a second.

3 5 2. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

Art really is everywhere.

You just have to know how to see it.

Exit. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

Sometimes blurring is necessary.

Moto. Mexico City, Alex Coghe.

Mexico is a precious ally for color photographers.

Splash! Mexico City, Alex Coghe

Observe from the side, turn quickly and photograph.

Photo Girl. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe
Direction. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

What risks are you willing to take as a photographer? Photography, someone said, is always on the verge of failure.

Haberdashery. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

This is street photography as I understand it. An opportunity to understand the world. Through the simplicity of everyday life.

Crypto. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

There are absurd details in this image. Enough to make a photo. But it also speaks to me of neo-topography. Made in the barrio.

Following Martin Parr. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

Yes, this is a Martin Parr moment. I immediately loved the character.


I think more than anything else this month shows how much fun I had on the streets. Not an easy selection because I think I left out maybe even better photos, but here I still wanted to bring out a certain reason that connects certain shots. Here, the last photo, that of the gentleman dressed in colored stripes, is testimony to how I live photography now. And I don't care that the composition could have been better. This has been a pretty good month.


1975 and now


Expanded vision of reality