Expanded vision of reality

That is photography for me

Mexico City. Alex Coghe

Of one of the last photographs taken that I like best.

How useful color information is in the photography I am proposing now, and how the perception of reality becomes immediate, pulsating, vibrant. In a vertical shot, a cut that I like and that I practice enough, but even less than I would like.

Daily activity in front of a haberdashery shop. Simple and complex at the same time. With many elements in which the eye lingers. Where Mexican culture emerges. A democratic look in the whole frame, where everything is important, everything serves to present the urban microcosm. A photograph that doesn’t need captions or titles.

The feeling of being there. So vital and essential to my idea of photography. No spectacular moment, but rather the serene acknowledgment of existence, an essence, the atmosphere. The perception.

Snapshots that will become photographs. Which will assume more and more importance with the passage of time. Who are not looking for immediate feedback or the generic applause of a social network that in a few years will have gone out of fashion or perhaps even been cancelled.


Highlights March 2023


Released a new book: it will be ispiration for other photographers