Released a new book: it will be ispiration for other photographers

I thought of it quickly, almost as if each page were a card that you can go back to whenever you want and therefore a reading that is renewed every time, that you can also read in fits and starts. This is my new book.

The book is already available in printed and eletronic edition.


This book is a different photography manual. Offering a spectrum that shows how one photographer has changed over the last couple of years and, in fact, sharing ideas that can inspire any photographer who reads it.

The street photographer but also all the other photographers will find in this text important food for thought on the process of making photographs. The book has the gift of being quick and to the point. It is not a boring manual full of technical terms but rather a photographer's analysis that will allow other photographers to find inspiration for their own experience in the world of photography.

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Expanded vision of reality


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 11