How to make a street photo representing a place

In this blog you have already read that I support the need for our street photos not to be out of context. If it is true that street photography should be a reflection on the human condition, then the place is very important in the economy of our visual research.

Lagunilla. Mexico City, 2022. Alex Coghe

In the photo you see we can get an idea of the place. A photograph that offers a surreal content thanks to my recognizing this mannequin different from the many mannequins we usually see. A very human mannequin. And essentially photography is played on this force.

Looking more carefully, however, we understand how I solved the composition well by choosing a point of view that would allow me to show more levels of reading and vision. The chairs and the elements in the foreground combine to give depth to the image by guiding the eye towards the main subject.

After the attention goes towards the seated salesman, only then towards the people in the background and ending towards the gray buildings that offer us even more elements of the environment I was in while photographing. A photo comes out that he identifies and informs us about the Lagunilla.

When we think in layers as photographers we have the great advantage of seeing beyond our subject and can provide a different dimension to our photography.


Street Photographer Inner Soul


WTF with Can I take a picture of you?