Instinctive street photography and manual settings

Let's dispel a well-rooted myth

Jorge. Mexico City, 2023.  Alex Coghe.

The best photos I made, even on the street, were taken in manual exposure.

There is a very widespread idea that making manual photographs on the street is difficult and not very feasible. Even if there are many street photographers who shoot manually, if we talk about the particular niche, to which I feel I belong, of a very instinctive street photographer, who shoots at the last possible moment, the idea of shooting with manual exposure becomes even more avoided.

Personally, photographing manually allows me greater control of the result than if I used shutter or aperture priority. I currently work with two reflex cameras and a small mirrorless camera. Photography, even on the street, must be felt and even as a prophet of the more instinctive and less rational street photography, photographing in manual exposure is the best option, in my opinion.

Don't think that this idea of mine has developed through whatever academic sophisms, I'm not that kind of photographer and I'm not that kind of photo coach. But in my workshops, which are always available in different proposals and solutions in the shop of this site, I pay a lot of attention to this part because my interest is to help photographers emerge from my learning paths who are truly aware of what they are doing.

I teach a lot about an instinctive approach to shooting because there is no better street photographer than the one who is quick, able to capture the real essence of the street, but to do this I need to expect my students to master certain techniques in order to achieve non-random results. To see, recognise, compose and shoot quickly and naturally, without hesitation. If you want to learn the art of real street photography i have several proposals for you. My best selling experience in Mexico City:


Or you can be interested in other cities or a different formula. In that case I recommend you to visit the workshops section of the shop:


Video: 2 years with a DSLR on the street


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