Video: 2 years with a DSLR on the street


I want to once again highlight the points in favor of photographing with a DSLR on the street:

  • THE OPTICAL VIEWFINDER: determines a different workflow, more anchored to reality and allows a very different result, I am seeing the real in front of me and not watching all the time a mini-monitor.

  • BATTERY LIFE: I don't need to carry 7 batteries with me and one battery with a DSLR can last all day

  • PEOPLE’S REACTION: This determines a different approach that does not hide anything of what I do, I am a photographer who photographs on the street and so the entire workflow is different and for me it is a winner

  • INTUITIVE CONTROLS/USER INTERFACE: once the hangover for the dials is over, I appreciate changing even when framing through the viewfinder much more without having to first look at the dials in the upper part of the camera. If you photograph by exposing manually, the advantage is even more evident

  • THE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE: I consider that working with a DSLR is more human and the result is more organic. After film photography shooting with a DSLR is the more human experience respect to mirrorless. And in this speech again the OVF plays a leading role.

I think the mirrorless hype has made us lose sight of how important an optical visual system is. This is because when I photograph with mirrorless I frame with my eyes without relying on the viewfinder and this is why (one of the reasons) I prefer small mirrorless too.


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Instinctive street photography and manual settings