Knowing myself

Photography is a process that involves us in the personal grow up

My approach:

- I prefer a photograph that doesn't scream

- I ensure that people see each other well, even when they are not in advantageous situations

- I photograph the real in front of me, without spectacularization or sensationalism

- I don't take aesthetics to extremes to impose my own style

- Priority to the spontaneous, without intervening, but it's not a dogma and every situation requires a different choice to get to the photo

- I don't impose, rather I welcome

- I photograph what interests me, without letting myself be influenced by trends

- I am mindful of the history of photography and I refer to it

- Cameras are "appliances" most of the time that only come to life when I use them

- I am a visual recorder of the atmosphere

- I do not pretend to be understood

- The detail can make the difference

- Without fun it's not good

- Photography is constant assumption of responsibility

- The beating heart lies in imperfection

- I have to bleed

Alex Coghe Street Photographer

Things I learned of me as photographer:

- Rangefinders are not really my thing

- 35mm is my focal range

- I need to shoot every single day

- I love DSLRs more today than 10 years ago

- I can mix landscape and street

- I hate logos

- I am a metropolitan animal


The most underrated camera for Street Photography


Video: some street shots of Saturday