The most underrated camera for Street Photography

After 1 year working with this camera I can say it

Canon EOS M200. Alex Coghe, 2023

Nobody takes this camera seriously. Many street photographers are too busy showing off their Leicas and when not imitations of the rangefinder concept applied to a digital.

It must be said that many love objects. And many like to wear a camera that makes them feel super cool. No problem with this and completely understandable, because the photographic experience is also linked to the experience of using it and how a camera produces positive sensations while you work with it.

I also fully understand that most photographers would not feel good using a camera like the M200: minimalist, with reduced commands and anchored to menus and LCD. Those who come from cameras with dials can come to hate this camera. Not me. Because I embraced the mirrorless concept in 2010 and for me the real real advantage of a mirrorless should be reduction in size and lightness. Certainly, if you ask me, I would like a Nikon Zfc which, being mirrorless, like many recently, is neither really small nor extremely light. I know that is a pleasure to count with a camera with dials to reply the experience of shooting with a film camera. And after several tests made I can say it: Canon EOS M200 is not a camera to use in manual focus. This is why at a certain point I will buy a camera allowing me to work using the zone focusing technique, maybe purchasing a 3rd parts manual lens too.

With that said most of my recent work on the street is made with Canon EOS M200. And people shows to appreciate it. Clients show to appreciate it. On my channel I receinved some feedback:

My reply to Gavin:

I agree with you. Also the marketing strategy by Canon is not helping, introducing the camera as a camera for creators. While is good to make videos (but of course bot the best you can find) for street photography is a great camera. I consider the experience very similar to use a Ricoh GR, but with the plus to be an interchangeable lens system. After 1 year using it, I love it. I think the mirrorless goal is respected much more than other cameras that are big and heavy. It is a 24mpx sensor, exactly as I did have on my Fuji XPro2. Is the design minimalist? Sure, and it can represent an issue when you arrive from other cameras, but recently I tried the Leica CL and the minimalist design is worse in my opinion. In the case of M200 is completely functional.

Canon EOS M200 is probably the most underrated camera for Street Photography at the moment. If you get the key how to work with you can really make a stunning work with this small camera.


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 11


Knowing myself