Now I am a permanent resident in Mexico

Finally I am a permanent resident in Mexico.

Mexican. Alex Coghe 2022

Only those close to me know of the hardships we have had in recent years to arrive at a positive solution. Something that would have happened to me many years ago but which has only now been resolved well and definitively.

Now I will calmly think about obtaining Mexican nationality as well. Although everything was now a matter of bureaucratic steps and in which we were sure of my being in order with all the documents requested, I don’t hide that until the moment when yesterday I read the positive resolution of my practice, I still had some tension . In the past absurd things had happened to me that I could not discard anything.

This is a victory, a personal victory but also a victory for my wife. We suffered stress for the situation. Virtually you can remain in Mexico as clandestine but you have limitations and I think it was not a cool way to stay. Now I am a permanent resident and I want to celebrate.


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