Side note about my photography expedition

Just back to Mexico City. It has been a successfull experience, guys. But let me share my ideas here.

Brad Zipursky, my only assistant this year

This trip also represented a turning point.

Due to the fact that I only had one participant in my expedition, who signed up really at the last moment, this year I had to plan the workshop in a different way.

We traveled using public transport and this totally changed the experience. Transforming it into something much more adventurous.

Luckily I found in Brad a worthy adventure companion, an indomitable traveler enthusiastic about eating on the street, adapting to the conditions that arise from time to time, without fear of entering the ugliest and most dangerous parts of Oaxaca at night.

And at a certain point I became aware that I want precisely this type of traveler photographer for my experiences. Enough of those who think they're coming for a holiday, those who complain that it's night and want to go to sleep because they're tired, enough of those who don't understand the essence of a real trip, enough of tourists. I don't need photographers who want to stay in a minimum 4-star hotel. I don't need those who use photography as a way to highlight only themselves, just for posturing, but then it's all rubbish.

If there had been one of these instead of Brad it would have ended badly. And for this reason I now know what I want and what target is mine and my photographic expeditions. A niche made up of true travellers, writers, observers, photographers, flaneurs. Street Photographers who are willing to be even uncomfortable in order to have an unforgettable experience.

This was a fantastic but repeatable experience. Just find the right people and not the jocks. It is enough to find people who know how an authentic journey is not what certain super-awarded photographers do who, however, perhaps still offer archive material because in the meantime they can no longer do it. And they put you in a 4 or 5 star hotel because that's their lifestyle. Because, perhaps, they don't even go around taking photos with you and while you go, they go on holiday... with your money.

Everyone spends their money as they want.

And everyone organizes photographic expeditions as they want.

I can’t wait to start to edit my photos and images guys. This year I made my best work ever made during Day of the Dead in Oaxaca. Stay tuned!


My work in Oaxaca as a start-up for alex street brand for the upcoming expeditions


Highlights October 2023