Some ideas to share with my audience

Feeling good and inspired

Italo Calvino wrote that every life is an encyclopedia, a library, an inventory of objects, an exhibition of styles where everything can be continuously mixed and ordered in all possible ways.

And so I, as a photographer, make it mine. And I accept that the order of things is that and also its opposite. And therefore, through observation and my shots I can accept the redistribution of everything, everything that is as it appears but ready to change.

Reality can be one and a hundred thousand.

And I, as a narrator photographer, already know that realities are multiple. And this is what I feed on.

Things never happen by chance.

Several years ago, Bild contacted me. They wanted me to cover soccer events. But at the time, I was in Italy, with commitments already made that I couldn't cancel. And so I couldn't catch that important train. I can't tell you how frustrated I was to be forced to decline.

Then I told myself that I had to look on the bright side: Bild had contacted me, they thought I could be their photographer.

Things never happen by chance. This year, I won't go to Oaxaca, but I will be busy with a series of important coverages. It will be something that will make my resume and my client portfolio shine.

Yes, nothing happens by chance.

Do those who ask others for color or black and white for their photo know that they are admitting that they do not have a language of their own? Do they know that black and white and color are two different languages? Do they know that there is a hierarchy of colors in color photography? Do they know that black and white requires a black and white vision?

No, they probably don't know shit.

I photograph. I write.

And I am proud to be able to afford it. Not everyone can.

One of the stupidest sentences I've ever read/heard about photography was "now the hunger games begin" said by an executive of a photography brand.

But it perfectly describes how certain people in the control rooms and the dynamics within photography brands think.

People who generally don't understand shit about photography, by the way.

Anyway, this new commitment, this important upcoming work on assignment is also the better response to many people: the executives of that brand, some street photography festival organizers and…other haters. Ask yourselves why I am called, you are not and neither are your godchildren.

My way to be: I am a photographer but also a writer. That is me. And I write in total freedom. I don’t have to respect a particular agenda or narrative and I don't care if I appear unpleasant to many, there are many others who adore me.


Fall in the Barrio


Upcoming work and my Canon 5D M2