The first Catrina of the year is one of my photos

The most likely thing by now is that I will not be traveling to Oaxaca this year for Dia de Muertos. And I will document what happens in Mexico City for the celebrations. Yesterday I made the first related photograph and you have to see it:

First Catrina. Mexico city, 2022. Alex Coghe

I don't know yet if and how much I will document this tradition. I don't feel obligated to do anything I don't want. I am now completely free from any compromise of having to do and I respond only to my creative vein. And so yesterday, for example, I met this photo on the street.

So it is. Take the first street photo of a Catrina. Maybe the first of a series. Or maybe the first one and the last one for this year. While there are only two days left to sign up for my workshop in Oaxaca, I can't help but think that this is probably not the year to do it. That's all. Sometimes the workshops sell out and sometimes they don't. I have done many private workshops this year but I have absolutely no problem communicating that a workshop has not sold. The reasons can be many but certainly not attributable to something I did or did not do. This is a great photographic year for me, probably the best one since I have been a professional photographer. And I believe that life gives you and takes things away from you, often even in the same period.

A year of change and challenges, especially with myself. A year perhaps introverted in the introspective search of who and what I want to be in the future, no longer willing to accept certain dynamics and open instead to much more. But I am saying more than I would, and maybe it would be better to keep certain things for the last days of this year.

Here you have just a photo of a Catrina. I hope you like it.


Witness of my time


This documentary dedicated to Joel Meyerowitz is one of the best Street Photography videos you will ever see