Witness of my time

Since I decided to take street photography as a mission my commitment has become part of my existence.

A metropolitan witness who aims to photograph the world for what it is. Without wanting to offer teachings or evaluations. Objectively, however objective it may be, it is really impossible to achieve. But anyway, a faithful portrait of what I encounter, told with the camera.

I follow the dance in the street and as a photographer receptive to the rhythm, I stop, I increase the pace, I observe, I consider, I evaluate, I meditate, I act, I shoot. I prepared for you to see the result of the last week, a cold week on the street, as you can see also for heavier clothes worn. Here is the faithful portrait of time this is meant to be.

Wednesday, 10-05-2022

Friday, 10-07-2022

Clearly, especially since my marrying color, I don't pursue abstractionism or graphism. I am interested in reality, beauty even in what is not commonly accepted as beautiful, in the observation of the world around through gestures and expressions, of the real everyday life without striking moments, because I find a lot of poetry in the simple gesture, but I am also attracted to how certain dynamics are created and I want to put them inside a frame. I am fascinated by how chaos can be framed and in the way you include it in a frame you can, perhaps, collect a certain order, a special order that makes it a photograph.

I am lucky to make this in a incredible city that offers a lot of inspiration for a photographer like me. Stay tuned because all this work will become something. I want to collect it all in a project that I am working on.

I remind you that I am proposing several street photography workshops and experiences that you can find here:




DSLR cameras in 2022


The first Catrina of the year is one of my photos