THE M43 PROJECT can start: my new street photography combo

I am pleased to share with you that I finally back to Micro Four Thirds


First of all: why this choice of camera? Because I preferred to go to Donceles, known as the street of photography, to count on numerous second-hand photographic shops.I prefered this way than buying online for the first purchase of micro four thirds. And when you make this, you know that you find what is available in that moment. After denying myself compared to crazy ratings of old and used cameras at the last shop and last chance left I found a good price and really interesting material. The camera is really kept in perfect condition, it looks like new, then finding the 14mm was fundamental in deciding to purchase. It really stimulates me to go back to 28mm to photograph on the street. The neewer 35mm should be an equivalent 70mm in FF, so I gain a different focal lenght and I will love to back to work with a manual lens.

With the first Olympus Pen E-P1 I became a professional photographer. Now it's been well over 10 years and I back to work with an Olympus Pen and I'm really excited about it. Furthermore, I want to bring to this blog a push in favor of the micro four thirds in a historical phase of the market in which everyone is pushing for full frame, going against the idea for which mirrorless cameras were born, that is to provide a camera system and above all travel lenses, less heavy and flashy. Furthermore, FF means significantly larger files. The micro four thirds is certainly not a perfect system (some more difficulties in low light conditions) but above all for street photography it can prove to be a winning choice.

In the future I will get another camera body, maybe an Olympus OMD. However, I am certain that I have a liquid position with respect to cameras where my choices go differently than the hype imposed by marketing and where I prefer to buy used, trying to demonstrate that work of great value can be achieved even with older cameras.

My support for the micro four thirds in this era tends to demand smaller lenses and camera bodies, and to no longer see monster combinations such as small camera bodies and huge lenses, very uncomfortable to use.

Soon I will start sharing the work I will do with this new choice of mine for my street photography. Stay tuned!


Olympus Pen in action


Why Olympus (OM System) should not enter the FF sector