Why Olympus (OM System) should not enter the FF sector

MFT (micro four thirds made sense of mirrorless concept) other brands didn’t.

I think mirrorless have sense by keeping bodies and lenses light and small. Otherwise I can’t accept the idea to renounce to the OVF. Micro four thirds is so special for this reason. FF means bigger lens. It is all a marketing game, but mirrorless are cool when they are small and light.

That’s all. Pure and simple. The race to FF for mirrorless is a complete no sense despite so many brands are playing with this. If I can accept APS-C sensor but not for most lenses and only those more pancakes, the FF means big and heavy lenses.

What is the sense to make this and meanwhile to renounce to the OVF?

Furthermore, a larger camera body would be better than the lenses. When I see those monstrous combinations of enormous lenses and camera bodies smaller than the lens it makes me laugh. Please, dear camera manufaturers, take as reference for real Leica and Cosina Voigtlander. Think to Contax, think as a reduced in dimension lens looks great in a camera body that fits perfectly and how ergonomic is…


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