The Oaxaca Diaries 2021 Pantheon @ villa de Zaachila

I have long wanted to visit this pantheon. But having planned a different story this year it was just a quick visit and avoiding the usual story. In the past I have photographed day and night in the cemeteries of Oaxaca. My archive already contains stories of preparation of the tombs, of convivial moments, of the sacred and intimate atmosphere of their loved ones who no longer live in this dimension. If there is one thing I really wanted to avoid, it was repeating myself. You will find a lot of photos from other photographers with the same theme. But how many times does a photographer have to repeat the same things? I get bored easily and just can't keep doing the same year after year, like in some sort of calendar.

Forward the Pantheon - Oaxaca, 2021

Zaachila Pantheon - Oaxaca, 2021

Zaachila Pantheon 2 - Oaxaca, 2021

Zaachila Pantheon 3 - Oaxaca, 2021

Zaachila Pantheon 4 - Oaxaca, 2021

Zaachila Pantheon 5 - Oaxaca, 2021

In my work, however, I have to consider in some way the documentation needs and my journalistic work. In the choice of subjects and themes I must also think of the captions and, therefore, of a descriptive photograph of what is happening. What may appear to be a conflict with the nature of a street photographer may only be partially so.

As photojournalists we have to answer the 5 w (where-when-who-what-why) and this represents a mindset when I am making documentary photos.


The Oaxaca Diaries 2021: Comparsa in Jalatlaco


The Oaxaca Diaries 2021: Market @ villa de Zaachila