The street photography approach in a popular barrio
In 2021 I did street photography even in places absolutely not recommended to shoot with a camera. Imagine doing street photography!
Hyper Volume - 2022
When I am in a popular neighborhood, I already know the approach can’t be the same when I am in a tourist location. However over time, thanks to my experience and the perception of the place where I am, I allow myself to dare a little.
In 2021 I photographed in areas considered to be avoided for photographers. In a risk calculation I have allowed myself a few places. And then my pursuit of certain images does not differ much: I am interested in normal daily life and not degradation or violence, but certain photographs that can be perceived as quiet images of street photography in certain places cannot afford them all. And I must say that this has an irresistible appeal to me. Everyone is capable of taking pictures in calm mental conditions. Another thing is to do it where there is a thought that my action could attract the attention of malicious people.
However, it is also my own story as a man that I have to carry on: I have never lived in nice places. I come from the suburbs and I continued to live in popular places. The street for me has to do with real life and should be an expression of real life. I could never be a photographer of rich and safe places. I can also find myself in those contexts, but it can't always be because it doesn't represent me.