The vision of a street photographer can change the facts

My awareness of what I want led me to a different approach. And a different approach inevitably changes my photography

HOT. Mexico City, 2023. Alex Coghe

Photography is about finding out what can happen in the frame. When you put four edges around some facts, you change those facts - Garry Winogrand.

In the bustling streets of Mexico City, something captured my attention, prompting me to ponder the complex relationship between reality and perception. As I strolled along, my eyes were drawn to a thought-provoking portrait-oriented image. In this captivating street photo, the sign "HOT" beckoned to passersby, but the truth revealed itself upon closer inspection—a subtle manipulation that transformed the message entirely. The deliberate choice of the photographer transformed an ordinary scene in something else, challenging our understanding of reality and the power of creative communication.

The image features a solitary sign, occupying the central space within the frame. The bold, capital letters display only the word "HOT," leaving viewers initially puzzled by the incomplete message. Its size, style, and strategic placement effortlessly draw attention, leaving no doubt that it serves a crucial purpose. The composition enhances the image's impact.

Upon closer inspection, one realizes that the sign is not incomplete after all. The cunning use of perspective reveals that what initially appeared as a single word is, in fact, part of a larger word concealed from view. The obscured letters at the end complete the word, transforming "HOT" into "HOTEL." This simple alteration recontextualizes the image, imbuing it with depth and evoking a range of emotions.


The deliberate choice made to only display a portion of the sign sparks a chain of questions within the viewer's mind. What was the intention behind this creative manipulation? Was it meant to challenge our preconceived notions or to encourage us to question the reality we perceive?

By concealing the complete word, I invite you to consider the power of perception and how easily it can shape our understanding of the world around us. The sign's transformation in "HOT" from "HOTEL" not only alters its literal meaning but also symbolizes the inherent subjectivity in our interpretations. It is something I found on the street that I use to communicate something different with a different decision, my decision not including the entire word, cutting away the last 2 letters and obtaining another word, changing completely the sense.

In today's fast-paced world, where instant gratification often dominates our perception, this photograph serves as a poignant reminder to pause, reevaluate, and delve deeper into the layers of meaning that lie beneath the surface. It urges us to question whether our initial assumptions are accurate or if we need to explore alternative perspectives to grasp the full truth.


Through the lens of this street photograph, we are compelled to reflect on the intricate relationship between reality and perception. The deliberate choice of the photographer to modify the content of the image challenges our preconceived notions and invites us to consider the subjective nature of our interpretations.

By skillfully manipulating our perception, the photographer communicates a profound message about the malleability of reality and the power of creative expression. In a world where our understanding is often shaped by fragmented information and fleeting glances, this photograph serves as a reminder to approach our surroundings with curiosity and an open mind.

Ultimately, this thought-provoking image stands as a testament to the transformative nature of art, reminding us that sometimes it is the subtle alterations that have the most significant impact on our perception of the world.


The Street Photographer Agenda Episode 25


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