Tips out of this time

Through this blog I am sharing my ideas. Personal opinions forged on my experience and not pretending is the absolute truth, so you decide to follow them or not.

Like every blog, the texts reflect the author's ideas.

September is the month in which the camera manufacturers launch their new products. And most bloggers start saturating the web with articles from this and that camera. I don’t. My focus is and always will be the photography experience. I am an ambassador of my photography and then of street photography. But I don’t respond to the marketing logic that would make you change equipment at least once a year. Aware that you also get consistency in your photography by staying true to a focal length rather than having the entire lens park in a series. The whole run-up to megapixels is marketing madness. And it's all to whoever shoots the biggest.

Photography is another thing. And usually doesn’t inhabit the heads of the marketing geniuses of camera manufacturers. Did you know that there are former potato and soda salespeople on a famous camera manufacturer marketing team? Do you think these people are able to understand what it means to deal with photographers and photography? Many times they don't know anything about photography. In my experience so far, dealing with several brands I have seen only Leica Camera AG has real professionals knowing about photography.

Others often don’t even answer to emails, helping to provide a very low idea of their professionalism. Or they put amateurs in their ambassador programs, with the frightening idea of even thinking of them as camera sellers. And certainly that is also the fault of some photographers who lend themselves to such a thing.

This is the reason why we see bitches and not artists/photographers. You know, in 2021, exactly those days, I was removed from the ambassador program of a well known brand. There is something special when a brand bans you. Me, Tatsuo… it is the evidence you are pure and not available to renounce to yourself and your integrity. As artist but overall as person. My ideas are not for sale. The others, the others can make the bitches at Photokina.

This blog will say you always the truth. Because I am loyal with my readers. And if I side with the photographers, those who think of elevating themselves for their work avoiding perverse market logics. If I think about it now I haven't even been a good ambassador: I continued to suggest not thinking more in gear, avoiding to buy a lot of lenses. I am not the kind of person who for convenience says something he does not think. Yet precisely for this reason my position should be considered more reliable when I speak well of a brand or a camera.

In the title I “promise” tips and here we go:

  • Don’t think too much in new gear

  • Don’t believe the hype

  • Buy in the second hand market

  • Buy film cameras

  • Avoid those film cameras pumped too much

  • There is a world of film cameras and it doesn't have to be Leica M6

  • Think what you have to say in Photography with your photograph

  • If your photos don’t shine is not your camera, is YOU

  • Buy prints not NFT

  • Print your photos because only printed a photo exists and magnified 200% on a monitor gives you a bad perception of the image

  • Prefer the real world to the virtual one

  • Everything ends but digital tends to become more rapidly obsolete

  • Owning things isn't bad, although someone wants you to own only virtual things that you don't really own in the end

  • Believe in YOURSELF and your VISION.


I am among the finalists of the Fokus International Photo Awards Albania


Why this blog (and its author) is fuckin’ good