Why this blog (and its author) is fuckin’ good

The photo you see here was made with my Canon EOS Rebel T7:

Mexico City, 2022. Alex Coghe

While others want to convince you to buy an APS-C with 40 megapixels…and another advises you to consider a 100 mpx Hasselblad (only $8,199) for Street Photography , of course these guys don’t shoot in rough places…I advice you to buy in the second hand market, so you don't even do a favor to the camera manufactors who propose crazy prices.

The logic according to which you need certain things is only in the head of those who want to sell. And of those who fall into the mental trap. Guys, l’et’s stop this. Seriously, just stop! You don’t need a new camera. I am photographing also with a old 2011 DSLR camera. If we all stop supporting the perverse market logic, they would be forced to lower prices. We have the real power.

The photographer, the good photographer is able to make a great work even with a small entry level camera. This is the message that I want to share through this blog. Also my work is a proof of this. When I exhibited my work in Los Angeles the big prints were perfect. The camera used: an Olympus E-P1 with its 17mm pancake. The others had Leica and Hasselblad. I didn’t suffer from any inferiority complex 11 years ago and even less now.

I am not anymore ambassador of camera manufacturers. And I am sharing my ideas in total freedom. Don’t be affected by GAS (Gear Adquisition Syndrome) in September with Photokina anyone looks to be a feverish subscriber, forced (only by himself) to buy the camera upgrade. Rather invest in books, travel, expand your culture, not just photography. Choose a good workshop and a good mentor who can guide you on the good path of photographic awareness and confidence. These are the good investments that I can recommend to you. Not lenses and not new cameras.

Believe me, your photography will improve.


Tips out of this time


Mexicana Collection is now available waiting to be exhibited in your home