Where do I still find the enthusiasm when I do street photography

At this stage of my journey I may have stopped photographing on the street, perhaps changing to another type of photography as many do. Instead, as you can see, I have even more motivation and enthusiasm for a genre that has not been doing well recently.

Tattooed Lady - Mexico City, 2021

The continuous, renewed enthusiasm is given to me by the extreme curiosity I have for the human being. Although on a social level I am not satisfied with how the mass reacts to the manipulation and coercion of the system, I still look respectfully towards people when I meet them. Furthermore, when I am on the street with my camera I try to leave political thoughts behind me, because my photography cannot and must not be affected by mental superstructures and indeed I have to be mentally open to any kind of diversity.

I know very well that many photographers are often faced with a creative crisis and this also happens to many street photographers. Especially in the last two years with the pandemic situation many have given up. Some have told me that they are no longer able to get excited especially in photographing people with their faces partially covered by masks. Some ask me how I can do it. I suggest to think that one day all this will have a relevance, in photographing it, at the level of historical document. In doing so we must mentally get out of the idea we have of street photography, perhaps with too many references to the past on an aesthetic level, and rather turn our gaze to this world, which is quite a bit dystopian, and which deserves to be told anyway.

If you feel a lack of stimulation, try to do things differently from your usual one. To make an example: this morning I will leave the house with the camera set in black and white. You know that I use to photograph JPG only and I photograph most of the time in color. This morning I will photograph only black and white and clearly by shooting only JPG I can’t count with color. When I shoot color I still can convert images in black and white so this is different. This morning will we like to have just some black and white film with me.

This can be a good example how to regenerate yourself and a way noe to get bored. sometimes you (and your photography) just need a break from the usual.


I went back to black and white for a day and this is the result


Thoughts on my street photography at the beginning of the year