Why in the barrio I photograph with the Canon Rebel T7?

First of all let me clarify that by barrio I mean the popular neighborhoods, especially in the northern area of the city where I live.

This is a practical matter.

During the week I go to various places to buy the products that I will cook and everything I need for the home. I rarely do general shopping, preferring to always buy fresh products and therefore the markets are the places where I go. My DSLR cameras have a neck strap unlike the mirrorless which has a wrist strap, which does not allow me freedom of movement.

While a few years ago I would have avoided shooting with a reflex in certain places, now the discussion has almost reversed. Although a DSLR continues to attract more attention it is almost seen as an outdated camera. And secondly I believe that in certain places they are now used to my presence. Some photos you see above were also taken in not very safe areas (to put it mildly) but giving up having a camera with me is out of the question.

The camera is the Canon EOS Rebel T7 and this is a selection of the most recent shots taken. It is a reliable camera that's always ready. Camera around my neck and backpack and I'm ready to go shopping, eat in a restaurant with my wife and enjoy my life here in the barrio.

I hope you appreciate the photos.


My favorite masters of photography


Fresh from the day