Video: the street photography in downtown is what i like to share with you

I released a new video for my YouTube channel. and this is the opportunity to share a selection of photos with you.

The city absorbs me and I gladly let myself be absorbed.

Never like this year have I pushed myself into the beating heart of Mexico City. And the beating heart is popular, poor and rich at the same time, perhaps even marginalized but true. Which is what I show with my photography. Street photography is this for me and I don't care if for many it's a completely different thing.

The explosion of street photography has brought it into the living rooms (even if she remains on the edge) and too many, being well-off, wallow in those environments, I don't. For me the street remains the street and believe me, this can be seen from what kind of photos you make. That's why they like games. They are reassuring and harmless, they reduce street photography to a pastime for enriched nerds. For me, street photography remains the greatest opportunity for denunciation and redemption. I can make poetry with it, but like Bukowski and not like Paulo Cohelo.

Here we are at the photos finally, guys:


Pro and Full Frame: the Canon EOS1 SLR


My favorite masters of photography